Our Solutions


Visual differentiation of a website's pages

With Vizdiff, you can see what pages changed and when. Think git, but for page screenshots.

Fully responsive: Vizdiff supports both Desktop, Tablet and Mobile viewport dimensions.

Once you have generated a Visual Snapshot of a site, you can then create another one to comp

Use Cases

  • Post-Deployment visual regression checking
  • Finding the root cause of a visual bug
  • Finding how many pages a specific deployment affected visually, by using webhooks
Vizdiff Example

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Deep Crawling

Learn all about the content of your site, and what changed when

With Deep crawling, get rapid knowledge over the content, html structure and technical SEO of your website's pages.

With previous crawl history, you can even gain useful insights like when a certain word or sentence first appeared in your site.

Use Cases

  • CSS debugging & refactoring with selector search
  • Finding internal duplicate content for SEO verifications
  • Keeping your own historical record of your website's content
Deep Crawling Example

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